An Eerie-on-Sea mystery
To be published September 2023
In the basement of the Grand Nautilus Hotel, Herbert Lemon is plagued by unsettling dreams.
It’s Midwinter once again, and Eerie-on-Sea has been invaded by a famous podcast crew, determined to uncover all the secrets of Eerie, especially the famous legend of the fearsome Malamander. But Herbie and Violet are faced with a new mystery, one that threatens to shake the town to its very core. Is the Deepest Secret of Eerie-on-Sea about to be revealed?
An Eerie-on-Sea mystery
Published September 2022
When Herbie and Violet’s arch-enemy Sebastian Eels turns up in Eerie-on-Sea, seemingly back from the dead, it can only spell bad news.
The town may welcome his entrepreneurial scheme to resurrect Festergrimm’s Waxworks, a dusty and defunct old gallery of spooky characters from Eerie legend, but Herbie and Violet are suspicious of his motives. And when they learn the legend of Ludo Festergrimm the clockmaker, creator of a giant mechanical robot that wrought havoc in the wrong hands, they KNOW they’re on the right track. But how can they get the residents of Eerie-on-Sea to believe them?
An Eerie-on-Sea mystery
Published 2021
It’s Ghastly Night in Eerie-on-Sea, and the shadows are growing…
On the eve of Ghastly Night, a hypnotic stage magician turns up in Eerie-on-Sea – and makes an unexpected claim on Herbie.
Violet’s guardian, the owner of the Eerie Book Dispensary, vanishes into thin air … and others soon follow.
Are these events connected? Herbie and Violet are determined to find out. But surrounded by so much shadow and illusion, will they ever uncover the truth?
An Eerie-on-Sea mystery
Published 2020
There’s a storm raging in Eerie-on-Sea. Has the mighty Gargantis come back from the deep…?
When an ancient bottle is found washed up on the beach after a ferocious electrical storm, all the residents of Eerie-on-Sea seem to want it … but should they in fact fear it? Legend has it that the bottle contains an extraordinary secret that spells doom for the whole of Eerie-on-Sea. Could it be true that the vast sea creature Gargantis has awoken from her slumbers, and is causing the large cracks that are appearing all across the town? Finding themselves entrusted with the bottle, Herbie and Violet discover they will need to ride the terrible storm and pacify the creature if they want to save Eerie-on-Sea from sliding into the ocean and being lost for ever.
An Eerie-on-Sea mystery
Published 2019
Nobody visits Eerie-on-Sea in the winter. Especially not when darkness falls and the wind howls around Maw Rocks and the wreck of the battleship Leviathan, where even now some swear they have seen the unctuous Malamander creep…
Herbert Lemon, Lost-and-Founder at the Grand Nautilus Hotel, knows that returning lost things to their rightful owners is not easy – especially when the lost thing is not a thing at all, but a girl. No one knows what happened to Violet Parma’s parents twelve years ago, and when she engages Herbie to help her find them, the pair discover that their disappearance might have something to do with the legendary sea-monster, the Malamander. Eerie-on-Sea has always been a mysteriously chilling place, where strange stories seem to wash up. And it just got stranger…
Earlier Published Work

Scarlett Hart Monster Hunter
Published 2018

Published 2012