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I’ve been absent from blogging for over a month now. Naturally, you’ve all be wondering where I’ve been, and calling the Coast Guard, etc. but if you’re reading this, you might be able to guess why. Yes, I have finally staggered to the ultimate destination of my lurching, screen-butting, marriage-straining journey across the internet, and here I plan to stay until the Great Meteorite Strike or the Zombie Apocalypse, whichever comes first.

I don’t like writing negative and whiny posts, so I won’t go into the details of my slow transition from to and then to All you really need to know is I don’t advise anyone none-code-literate to go further than, since the free blogging service they offer is mostly excellent., on the other hand, feels like something dreamed up by Kafka with a fever of 110.

So why have I done this? Well, simply so that I can keep a website and blog under my own True, I’ve had to add ‘-author’, just to make it clear that I don’t sell bowling equipment or translate Plato (both of which I’m sure I could do, if I wasn’t so busy being me. Um…), but the ‘thatelusiveline’ thing had had its day.

Anyway, here it is. There is still tinkering to do, and a follow-by-e-mail function to add, and a million other tiny things that can wait until tomorrow. But now I’m going to sleep…


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